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UrumaDelvi NEWS

UrumaDelvi Fan Club has launched!

"UrumaDelvi Deluxe" has kicked off together with 'UrumaDelvi Fan Club'
If you become a fan club member, you can enjoy all kinds of contents of UrumaDelvi Deluxe.
You are always welcome. >Membership Guideline

*UrumaDelvi Paint
Paint & Animation Creating Application "UrumaDelvi Paint", which is under development by UrumaDelvi team is introduced here.
Fan Club members can download Beta1 release of UrumaDelvi Paint.

You can access the whole collection of UrumaDelvi's masterpieces, including "Shikato" and other animations which have been seen only on DVD. Now you can enjoy watching them online!

*Feeling of the Day
This is a drowing diary that UrumaDelvi has kept for 13 years. You can access to enormous amounts of archive data.
Enjoy watching on a large screen (640*480) for the first time!

*UrumaDelvi GOLD 100 Animations
UrumaDelvi's talented works can be viewed here. Their famous animations which have been released up until now, together with their never been published works, are coming right up one after another!

DODOBONGO is the slowest moving dog in the world.
It's a popular character in the UrumaDelvi works. You will enjoy watching Dodobongo animation series and "Happy Fortune" in which Dodobongo will be your fortune teller.

UrumaDelvi Deluxe

UrumaDelvi Fan Club